Schmitz Cargobull selects its "Service Partners of the Year 2023"

February 2024 - Schmitz Cargobull has selected the best workshops and service centers from 33 countries in its Service Partner network for 2023.
The best workshop quality and customer service are the prerequisites for the coveted award. The partner workshop must deliver outstanding results, particularly in the "Breakdown assistance" and "Spare parts business development" assessment categories. Optimum cooperation in the handling of full-service contracts and warranty cases also has a major influence on the choice of Service Partner of the Year.
Schmitz Cargobull customers benefit from a comprehensive network of authorised and trained service partners in over 40 countries. At the same time, workshop customers have the advantage of well-trained service technicians specialising in Schmitz Cargobull products, who are regularly trained online or in person at the Cargobull Campus. This ensures the mobility of the vehicle fleet and minimises downtime. This applies to all workshop services, whether that’s related to the trailer, the tyres, the refrigeration units or the TrailerConnect® telematics system.
33 Service Partner across Europe awarded
Above all, the acceptance rate of mediated breakdowns, but also the availability of spare parts and joint business development are important and are included in the evaluation. 33 Service Partner companies across Europe were named Schmitz Cargobull Service Partners of the Year in 2023. These workshops, in particular, and the teams that work for Schmitz Cargobull customers every day make Schmitz Cargobull a strong and reliable brand for service customers.
Schmitz Cargobull congratulates the winners and thanks them for their excellent cooperation!
The winners are:
Austria: TIP Trailer Services Austria GmbH
Bosnia/Herzegovina: Transkop d.o.o. Tuzla, P.J. Truck - Service
Belgium: Trailer Service Lecluyse nv
Bulgaria: Intercamion Company EOOD
Switzerland: Etter's FrigoService
Czech Republic: Hoffmann & Žižák spol. s r.o.
Germany: Leven Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH & Co. KG
Denmark: Dansk Køleservice ApS
Estonia: Cargoservice OÜ
Spain: Talleres Pamendi S.L.
Finland: Helsingin Autokylmä Oy
France: Scania Alsace
France S.A.S Great Britain: J M Refrigeration
Greece: CargoCool Hellas
Croatia: Frigo-Lo
Hungary: He-Ge Kft.
Ireland: Mulvey Refrigeration Technology
Italy: Officina Alberti SRL
Kazakhsta: RTB Service-Center
Lithuania: Hanse Trailer UAB
Macedonia: Truck Boss Dooel
Netherlands: Bouwheer Zeewolde B.V.
Norway: IPS Skala Service AS
Poland: KM Serwis W. Kożuchowski - J. Marciniak Spółka Komandytowa
Portugal: Confortruck Romania: Trans Dan Mir S.R.L.
Serbia: Braca Crnomarkovic d.o.o. 2024-108
Sweden: HBG Transportkyla AB
Slovenia: SIGR d.o.o.
Slovakia: Central Europe Trailer s.r.o.
Ukraine: Autokomplekt Ltd
Schmitz Cargobull hakkında:
Yılda yaklaşık 63.500 treyler üretimiyle ve yaklaşık 6.500 çalışanıyla Schmitz Cargobull AG, iklimlendirilmiş yük, genel kargo yanı sıra dökme mallar için Avrupa'nın lider yarı römork, treyler ve kamyon üst yapı üreticisidir. 2018/2019 ticari yılında yakl. 2,29 milyar Euro ciro elde etmiştir. Münsterland kökenli şirket, sektörün öncüsü olarak kapsamlı bir marka stratejisini zamanında hayata geçirmiştir ve tüm düzeylerde tutarlı bir kalite standardı yerleştirmiştir: araştırmadan geliştirmeye, üretimden servis sözleşmelerine ve treyler Telematik, finansman, yedek para tedariki ve kullanılmış araç ticaretine kadar.
Schmitz Cargobull basın ekibi:
Anna Stuhlmeier: | +49 2558 81-1340 I |
Andrea Beckonert: | +49 2558 81-1321 I |
Silke Hesener: | +49 2558 81-1501 I |
Image: Service Partner of the Year 2023
Press Release: Service Partner of the Year 2023