Zavarovalna zaščita od profesionalca v panogi Zavarovalniški posredniki podjetja Schmitz Cargobull vam nudijo rešitve od pravne zaščite in obveznega jamstva prek polnega kaska in delnega kaska do zavarovanja celotne flote po prednostnih cenah.

Naše zavarovalne storitve
What advantages do I have when I insure my fleet through Schmitz Cargobull?
- Purchasing advantage through manufacturer conditions
- Personal support through fixed contact persons
- Cooperation with all insurers licensed in Germany
- Fixed unit premiums for tractors and trailers
Can I include force damage in my Full Service contract?
- With the Full Service Protection product, you can include all violent damage in the service contract.
- The rate is fixed for the Full Service term and remains unchanged for the entire term, even in the event of a claim
What are the advantages of stand-alone trailer insurance from Schmitz Cargobull?
- Fixed unit premium from €49 per month
- No prior risk assessment
- Strong benefits package (liability, hull, GAP insurance, brake, operating and breakage damage as well as recovery and towing costs)
- Also possible for other makes as well as used vehicles
Kratke informacije o Kasko-Plus
Kratke informacije o Stand-alone Trailer
Kratke informacije o zavarovanju odgovornosti v prometu
Kratke informacije o Truckingu