Telematics Data Services

Telematics Data Services

With TrailerConnect® telematics, you get all the information you need about your vehicles. With every Smart Trailer you get direct access to your telematics data - whether via the TrailerConnect® portal or via the beUpToDate app as a portal application on mobile devices.
Are you a dispatcher, fleet manager or driver? Do you transport goods in general cargo, refrigerated or pharmaceutical transport? Find out more about the digital services and solutions for more efficiency in your daily transport routine. 
The platform for data integration, live tracking and trailer services. More information about TrailerConnect®
FleetTrack, TrailerConnect® Data Management Center undTrailerConnect® Tour Track  und TrailerConnect® FleetWatch
The information from the driver app beSmartApp ensures more safety on every tour and with the beUpToDate app, managers can keep an eye on their fleet at all times.
Telematics provides customers with real-time data on the condition and performance of the trailers, and we use the historical trailer data to determine and plan maintenance stops in order to further optimise the availability and predictability of the vehicles.
Theo de Vries, Vice President Services, TIP Group

* Kehtib ainult sadulfurgoonile S.KO COOL

TrailerConnect® - one platform - everything in view

With the digital services around TrailerConnect® telematics, you always have your vehicles in view. Whether you are a driver, dispatcher or fleet operator, you manage, plan and monitor your fleet in one portal for efficient use in refrigerated, pharmaceutical or general cargo transport.

Advantages for the dispatcher

  • All information at a glance in the TrailerConnect® Portal
  • Efficient planning of routes
  • Remote access to refrigeration unit and trailer
  • Transparent processes and route monitoring, also of subcontractors used
  • Fast reaction to events (e.g. correction of setpoints)
  • Reliable compliance with the cold chain and optimal processes
  • Transport data available at all times
  • Automatic recording of the route from the start

Advantages for the fleet manager

  • Fast and digital availability of documentation (e.g. temperature records)
  • Optimal selection of the right vehicle and equipment (certificates, documents, reports)
  • Clearly arranged central monitoring of transport orders in one platform
  • Fast communication in case of queries
  • Always informed on the road with the beUpToDate App

Advantages for the driver

  • All information in one platform ensures efficient communication between driver and dispatcher
  • Improved concentration on the transport through presettings on the refrigeration unit and tailgate
  • Timely warning of malfunctions and impending breakdowns
  • Avoidance of breakdowns
  • Optimised route planning by determining the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and taking driving times into account
  • Mobile information with the driver app beSmart app
Regardless of whether you transport goods in temperature-controlled transport, pharmaceutical transport or general cargo, with reliable real-time data you create more transparency in the supply chain and thus increase your efficiency and optimise your use of resources. With TrailerConnect® telematics and the services and functions related to telematics, we offer the optimum solution for your transport tasks.
Transport example General Cargo
Transport example Tempered transport
Transport example emission-free refrigerated transport


TrailerConnect® telemaatikaga saate kogu vajaliku informatsiooni oma sõidukite kohta.
Rohkem teavet

Andmete konsolideerimine ja liidesed

TrailerConnect® FleetTrack​

Real-time fleet visualisation

  • •  Real-time display of truck & trailer position and availability - at a glance, regardless of the telematics hardware used
  • •  Comprehensive notification and alarm configuration 
  • • Personal reporting and history of all events, positions and temperatures
  • •  Permanent information about door and coupling status
Rohkem teavet

TrailerConnect® Data Management Center

Central integration of various systems

  • •  Visualisation of the entire transport network - incl. subcontractors
  • •  Infrastructure and consolidation platform for all telematics systems and data
  • •  Individual and secure configuration of data stream
Rohkem teavet

TrailerConnect® TourTrack

Order-related tracking of vehicles and sharing of transport data

  • •  Targeted and selected data sharing for each tour, e.g. to any Real Time Visibility (RTV) platforms
  • •  Tour-based real-time monitoring, including estimated time of arrival (ETA) 
  • •  Automatic generation of order-related temperature reports
Rohkem teavet

TrailerConnect® FleetWatch

Real-time monitoring of the refrigeration unit

  • •  Fleet dashboard for real-time monitoring of transport refrigeration machines 
  • •  Automatic fault analysis with recommendations for remedial action  
  • •  Service partner referral in the event of a breakdowns
Rohkem teavet

Äpid ja lisad

Rehviandurite konfigureerimine veebirakenduse kaudu

TrailerConnect® TyreManager on veebirakendus TrailerConnect® Telematicsiga haagise paigaldatud rehviandurite konfigureerimiseks ja haldamiseks. Andurite asukoha muutmine on igal ajal võimalik, lihtsalt, mobiilselt ja ilma haagisega füüsiliselt ühendamata.

Rohkem teavet

Webinar Recording: Real-Time Value Creation

The telematics data of your transport fleet are valuable assets! But how do you exploit its value and share it in a controlled way? Learn from our experts Soeren Danielsen, Manager Digital Services, Tim Haller, Product Manager Digital Services and Leoni Nathaus, Head of Product Management Digital Services how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center can help you.
Rohkem teavet

Webinar Recording: Real-Time Value Creation

The telematics data of your transport fleet are valuable assets! But how do you exploit its value and share it in a controlled way? Learn from our experts Soeren Danielsen, Manager Digital Services, Tim Haller, Product Manager Digital Services and Leoni Nathaus, Head of Product Management Digital Services how the TrailerConnect® Data Management Center can help you.
Rohkem teavet
The beSmart app ensures that your drivers are always aware of the status of the trailer and can react quickly if necessary.

TrailerConnect® beSmart App

Using the beSmart app, your drivers always keep an eye on the condition of the trailer and can react quickly if necessary. The trailer's integrated WLAN module ensures communication between the telematics control unit and the smartphone. This means you never miss any important news or messages.

  • Analysis of the cargo compartment temperature
  • Monitoring and control of the chiller
  • Brake pad wear check
  • Aggregate load
  • Tire status control
  • Tailgate locking system
  • Control of the door locking system
  • Control of the refrigeration unit


Rohkem teavet
  • Miks on TrailerConnect® telemaatika eelkõige S.KO COOL SMARTis innovaatiline varustus?
    Sest treileri telemaatika aitab paljusid sõiduki juhtimise ja laadungi järelevalvega seotud protsesse tõhusamalt ning läbipaistvamalt kujundada ja võimaldab sedasi ulatuslikku optimeerimist.
  • Milliseid eeliseid pakub OEM süsteem?
    Kõik treileri komponendid on üksteisega optimaalselt võrgustatud, üksteisele kohandatud ja autonduse standardite järgi professionaalselt installitud. See tagab kõrge kvaliteedi ja süsteemide maksimaalse saadavuse.
  • Peale positsiooniandmete - mida peaks minu treileri telemaatika veel oskama?
    Peale positsiooniandmete peaks treileri telemaatika pakkuma kõigi treilerikomponentide intelligentset võrgustamist ja kiiret diagnostikat ning turvalist, integreeritud temperatuurihaldust. Õige telemaatikasüsteemiga saab nii protsesse optimeerida kui ka transporditurvalisust suurendada.
Statement by Olaf Duden
Kogu logistikavaldkonna muutumine kulgeb kiire tempoga. Praegu on õigete partnerite omamine, eelkõige telemaatika sektoris, elementaarne.
Olaf Duden, EURO-Leasing GmbH autopargi juhataja,
Statement by Katja Seifert
Meie nõudmiseks on tagada toodete turvalisus ja jälitatavus. Selle saavutame me temperatuuri- ja positsiooniandmete reaalajas ülekandmisega.
Katja Seifert, Spedition Kaiser & Schmoll sõidukipark ja kindlustus,
Philipp Wegm?ller
Riknevate kaupade intermodaaltranspordis on asendamatu alati teada, kus meie sõidukid asuvad ja garanteerida, et jaheahelast peetakse kinni.
Philipp Wegmüller, railCare AG juhatuse esimees,
Statement by Gert Kautetzky
Sertifitseeritud temperatuuriraportid ja nutikalt väljamõeldud alarmi- ning temperatuurihaldus on farmaatsiatoodete transportimisel väga tähtsad.
Gert Kautetzky, Spedition Kautetzky,
Statement by Sascha Kost
Geofence punktide kaudu laseme saata teavitusi, millal treiler seismiskohta saabub, et vajalikke remonte ja hooldusi saaks juba ennetavalt planeerida.
Sascha Kost, Transporte Jankowski sõidukipargi juhataja,
Statement by Ronja Assmann
Uues telemaatikaportaalis 2.0 on Teil ülevaatlik ja vahetu ligipääs meie sõidukite kogu informatsioonile - vajaduse korral ka mobiilselt nutitelefoni või tahvelarvuti kaudu.
Ronja Assmann, Assmann Logistik GmbH sõidukipark,

+49 (2558) 81-0

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