Telematics Data Services
FleetTrack, TrailerConnect® Data Management Center and TrailerConnect® TourTrack and TrailerConnect® FleetWatch.

Vaše prednosti
Inteligentna dispozicija vozil za boljšo izkoriščenost kapacitet in preprečevanje praznih voženj
Preerite več -
Višja razpoložljivost polpriklopnika s pravočasnim informiranjem o stanju in obrabi tehničnih agregatov za preprečevanje okvar na cesti in krajše postanke na servisu
Preerite več -
Visoka varnost transporta zahvaljujoč skrbnemu alarmiranju pri zapuščanju predpisane poti
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Optimizacija emisij CO2 s preprečevanjem praznih voženj, optimizacijo izkoriščanja vozila in zmanjšanjem porabe goriva z nadzorom tlaka v pnevmatikah
Preerite več -
Učinkovito upravljanje flote zahvaljujoč informacijam v realnem času o trenutnem stanju voznega parka, zanesljivo dokumentiranje in poročanje
Preerite več -
Varno upravljanje temperature* zahvaljujoč aktivnemu nadzoru temperature s funkcijo alarma v realnem času in krmiljenju na daljavo
Preerite več
* velja samo za polpriklopnik z zabojnikom S.KO COOL
TrailerConnect® - one platform - everything in view
With the digital services around TrailerConnect® telematics, you always have your vehicles in view. Whether you are a driver, dispatcher or fleet operator, you manage, plan and monitor your fleet in one portal for efficient use in refrigerated, pharmaceutical or general cargo transport.
Advantages for the dispatcher
- All information at a glance in the TrailerConnect® Portal
- Efficient planning of routes
- Remote access to refrigeration unit and trailer
- Transparent processes and route monitoring, also of subcontractors used
- Fast reaction to events (e.g. correction of setpoints)
- Reliable compliance with the cold chain and optimal processes
- Transport data available at all times
- Automatic recording of the route from the start
Advantages for the fleet manager
- Fast and digital availability of documentation (e.g. temperature records)
- Optimal selection of the right vehicle and equipment (certificates, documents, reports)
- Clearly arranged central monitoring of transport orders in one platform
- Fast communication in case of queries
- Always informed on the road with the beUpToDate App
Advantages for the driver
- All information in one platform ensures efficient communication between driver and dispatcher
- Improved concentration on the transport through presettings on the refrigeration unit and tailgate
- Timely warning of malfunctions and impending breakdowns
- Avoidance of breakdowns
- Optimised route planning by determining the estimated time of arrival (ETA) and taking driving times into account
- Mobile information with the driver app beSmart app
Transport example in emission-free refrigerated transport with S.KOe COOL
Transport example in general cargo transport with S.CS EcoFLEX
Transport example in pharma transport with S.KO COOL
Commitment to sustainability
Konsolidacija podatkov in vmesniki
Aplikacije in ostalo
Webinar and Podcasts
Zakaj je telematika TrailerConnect® zlasti v S.KO COOL SMART inovativna oprema?Ker telematika v vozilu pomaga učinkoviteje in bolj transparentno oblikovati mnoge procese nadzora in upravljanja tovora in vozila, je mogoče izvesti veliko optimizacij.
Katere prednosti mi nudi sistem OEM?Vse komponente so v priklopniku optimalno povezane v omrežje, med seboj usklajene in profesionalno vgrajene v skladu s standardi avtomobilske industrije. S tem se zagotovi visoka kakovost in maksimalna razpoložljivost sistema.
Poleg lokacijskih podatkov - kaj bi morala moja telematika vse znati?Poleg podatkov o lokaciji mora sistem telematike priklopnika zagotavljati pametno povezovanje v omrežje in hitro diagnostiko vseh komponent priklopnika ter varno in integrirano upravljanje temperature. S pravim sistemom telematike lahko ne le optimiziramo procese ampak tudi povečamo varnost transporta.
Kaj pravijo naše stranke

Flyer: Brief Information Data Management Center
Flyer: Brief Information TrailerConnect® telematics
Brošura Telematika Schmitz Cargobull