Telematski servis podataka

Telematski servis podataka

Pomoću sistema telematike TrailerConnect® dobijate sve potrebne informacije o svojim vozilima. Visokokvalitetne tehničke komponente i senzori registruju podatke vaše prikolice i šalju ih u telematski centar podataka.

* Važi samo za sandučastu poluprikolicu S.KO COOL

  • Status prikolice i utovara uvek na oku
  • Funkcije flltriranja za individualno prilagođene prikaze
  • Uz samo nekoliko klikova do željene analize
  • Pregledna istorija događaja, temperatura i pozicija
  • Jednostavan izvoz podataka
  • Bez zastoja vozila zahvaljujući upozoravanju
  • Dokumentacija tehničkih događaja i informacije o otklanjanju problema
  • Nezavisnim operaterima telematskih usluga prikazuju se svi podaci flote vozila
  • Kontakt osoba u slučaju pitanja
  • Smanjenje troškova rada usled otpadanja mnoštva dobavljača portala
  • Jedinstven prikaz i jednostavno korišćenje

Uz aplikaciju beUpToDate imate svoj vozni park u svakom trenutku na oku. Kao izvod iz portala 2.0 možete individualno prikazati za svako vozilo položaj, stanje i podatke o pritisku u pneumaticima, istrošenosti i opterećenju ili možete pozvati pregled statusa celokupne flote.

  • Pregled statusa
  • Dispozicija vozila
  • Menadžment flote
  • Tab Item TAPA
  • Menadžment tura
  • Analiza rashladnog lanca
  • Proaktivna kontrola

Status overview

  • Overview of all important and current trailer data including map section
  • Grouping by vehicle and filter function for individual views
  • With only a few clicks to the desired function and evaluation.
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Vehicle disposition

With TrailerConnect®, you offer your customers a trailer with modern equipment and flexible use. You have a constant overview of all your vehicles and access to all relevant information for your fleet management. Technical monitoring enables preventive maintenance and you avoid breakdowns. The high level of transparency offered by the system makes usage-based billing models possible.
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Fleet management

TrailerConnect® links information about your fleet in an intelligent way. The data of all networked trailer components such as cooling, drive and sensors are recorded chronologically. Service-relevant warnings in real time avoid vehicle downtime. All technical events are documented with details of the time and place of their occurrence and rectification.
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Cargo crime is omnipresent and offences are numerous. Especially in the area of refrigerated transport, valuable cargo - e.g. from the pharmaceutical sector - needs to be protected. If necessary, have goods transported and monitored in accordance with the Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) of the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA). 
With the new TAPA mode in the TrailerConnect® portal, you receive predefined and relevant TAPA security messages at a shortened reporting interval.

Overview of the TAPA-relevant messages: 
o Door lock activated / deactivated
o Trailer coupled / uncoupled
o Alarm system activated / deactivated
o Coupling status
o Movement status
o And many more 

All functions are included in the new TAPA TSR1 telematics tariff.
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Tour Management

TrailerConnect® enables a clear evaluation of individual tours - with event, temperature and position history. Export function for easy transfer of data to external systems extends the possibilities for using TrailerConnect® telematics. Selection of the evaluation period is implemented by a simple zoom function.
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Cool Chain Analysis

The smallest temperature deviations can affect the shelf life and quality of food and pharmaceutical products. TrailerConnect® allows you to control the temperature specifications of the refrigeration machine. The system provides you with information about the temperature and humidity in the cargo area, the level in the fuel tank and the function of the refrigeration unit. Using this real-time data, you can document an intact cold chain for the entire transport in accordance with DIN EN 12830.
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Proactive monitoring

With the central monitoring of the Schmitz Cargobull S.CU refrigeration machine, breakdowns can be avoided. You are proactively informed about critical states of the refrigeration machine. The service partner receives all the necessary information in advance and can order spare parts and schedule the workshop work. This keeps workshop visits to a minimum and saves you time. Participation in this service is of course voluntary.
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  • Upravljanje zatvaranjem vrata
  • $name
  • Lociranje
  • Pregled statusa
  • Analiza ture
  • Fascikla vozila
  • Tehnički podaci
  • Konfiguracija alarma

Jednostavna konfiguracija

Jednostavna konfiguracija utovarnih i istovarnih tačaka (Geofence) na TrailerConnect® Portalu za automatsko zaključavanje i otključavanje prilikom ulaska i izlaska
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Dokumentacija procesa

Dokumentacija svih procesa zaključavanja i otključavanja obezbeđuje dodatnu transparentnost
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Zaključavanje nakon 30 sekundi

Opciono aktiviranje opšte, automatske brave 30 sekundi nakon zatvaranja vrata klikom miša na portalu TrailerConnect® je dodatno moguće
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Maksimalna sigurnost

Maksimalna sigurnost tokom transporta pomoću automatskog zaključavanja nakon 30 sekundi
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Smart locking and unlocking

Locking and unlocking the TL4 door locking system in the S.KO COOL SMART without manual effort by dispatchers or drivers saves time and increases safety.
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Stvaranje poligona, mesta za posmatranje ili interesnih tačaka, uključujući pojedinačno imenovanje konfiguracije područja za nadgledanje određenih oblasti moguće je sa nekoliko klikova. Podešavanje alarma za ulaske i izlaske iz oblasti, koje mogu dobiti jedan ili više primalaca, je jednostavno i brzo.
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Location and fleet map

Everything at a glance: Trailer status including street-precise location.

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Status overview

Real-time information on the status of the trailer creates transparency and increases vehicle availability, as technical problems can be detected directly.
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Route analysis and reports

Temperature reports are generated quickly and individually in the customer CI directly from the status overview. The certified and tamper-proof temperature report can be downloaded as a PDF file and made available to shippers by e-mail.
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Vehicle file

Real-time information about the technical data of the trailer is displayed in a user-specific view. The digital service checkbook documents all technical alarms and notifications
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Technical data on the fleet map

Important information becomes visible at a glance in Google maps: from the loading status of the trailer to aggregate load information.  Further vehicle information can be viewed in detail at the click of a mouse.
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Alarm configuration

Various configurations of data for each vehicle offer comprehensive control options. The configured alarms can be assigned to single or multiple recipients. Real-time alerts via SMS and email increase transport safety.
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  • Uvoz
  • Izvoz
TrailerConnect Data Management Center

The TrailerConnect® Data Management Center is your contact point for setting up and managing all incoming and outgoing data connections. This enables simple management and monitoring of data connections at a central location. Importing data, from third-party telematics systems, and the secure and controlled export of data - to third-party systems such as RTVP - is child's play. 

Replace TrailerConnect TourTrack

With TrailerConnect® TourTrack, journeys can be created or imported quickly and easily. Users get an immediate and detailed overview of the status of their consignments and tours as well as those of their network partners and can track them. Unplanned deviations become immediately visible. This enables efficient management by exception, improved spot market and no more countless and annoying calls from the dispatcher to the driver.


Transmission of telematics information from TrailerConnect® via an API interface to other software systems that you use in your company

With the API Manager in the TrailerConnect® Portal, you can activate your desired vehicles for data transfer to a third party system at any time. This means that you can also flexibly forward your data outside our support hours.

  • beUpToDate App
  • Aplikacija beSmart
  • Menadžer pneumatika

Configure tire sensors via web application

The TrailerConnect® TyreManager is a web application for configuring and managing the installed tire sensors of a trailer with TrailerConnect® Telematics. Changes to the sensor positions are possible at any time, easily, mobile and without physical connection to the trailer.

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Naš tarifni model

Mnoštvo mogućnosti, po meri za vaše preduzeće

Naše tarifne module možete sasvim fleksibilno da izaberete prema svojim potrebama. Pomoću modula „TrailerConnect® Info“ dobijate informacije o kontroli vašeg voznog parka. Putem modula „TrailerConnect® Control“ imate pouzdan sistem za upravljanje važnim funkcijama u vašim vozilima. Svi podaci čuvaju se 12 meseci, na zahtev i duže. Uz naša tri dodatna modula imate potpunu transparentnost u pogledu vaše flote i pripremljeni ste za sve zahteve svakodnevnog transporta.


Ova tarifa raspoloživa je samo za rashladne poluprikolice.

Statement by Olaf Duden
Transformacija kompletne logističke branše napreduje brzim tempom. U ovome trenutku imati pravog partnera, naročito u oblasti telematike, je elementarno.
Olaf Duden, rukovodilac flote u preduzeću EURO-Leasing GmbH,
Statement by Katja Seifert
Naša težnja je da obezbedimo sigurnost i mogućnost praćenja proizvoda. To postižemo kroz prenos podataka o temperaturi i poziciji u realnom vremenu.
Katja Seifert, Odeljenje za upravljanje voznim parkom i osiguranje u špediciji Kaiser & Schmoll,
Philipp Wegm?ller
Kod intermodalnog transporta kvarljive robe neophodno je uvek znati gde se nalaze naša vozila kako bismo mogli garantovati pridržavanje rashladnog lanca.
Philipp Wegmüller, predsedavajući Upravnog odbora preduzeća railCare AG,
Statement by Gert Kautetzky
Sertifikovani izveštaji o temperaturama kao i pažljivo osmišljeno upravljanje alarmima i temperaturama su veoma važni za transport farmaceutskih proizvoda.
Gert Kautetzky, špedicija Kautetzky,
Statement by Sascha Kost
Putem Geofence tački se obaveštavamo o tome kad je prikolica stigla na neku lokaciju kako bismo neophodne popravke i održavanja mogli da planiramo unapred.
Sascha Kost, Odeljenje za upravljanje voznim parkom u preduzeću Transporte Jankowski,
Statement by Ronja Assmann
U novom portalu telematike 2.0 imamo pregledan, direktan pristup svim informacijama o našim vozilima - po potrebi takođe i mobilno na pametnom telefonu ili tabletu.
Ronja Assmann, Odeljenje za upravljanje voznim parkom u preduzeću Assmann Logistik GmbH,
  • Zašto je sistem telematike TrailerConnect® predstavlja naročito kod poluprikolice S.KO Cool Smart inovativnu opremu?
    Zato što telematika u prikolici pomaže da se mnogi procesi kontrole i upravljanja vozila i tovara efikasnije i transparentnije odvijaju i na taj način dozvoljava znatnu optimizaciju.
  • Koje prednosti mi nudi sistem OEM?
    Sve komponente u prikolici su optimalno međusobno umrežene, usklađene i profesionalno instalirane prema standardima iz automobilske industrije. Na taj način stvara se visok kvalitet i maksimalna raspoloživost sistema.
  • Osim podataka o poziciji –šta treba telematika za prikolice da bude još u stanju?
    Pored podataka o poziciji, telematika za prikolice bi trebala da nudi inteligentno umrežavanje i brzu dijagnostiku svih komponenti prikolice kao i bezbedno, integrisano upravljanje temperaturom. Pomoću pravog sistema telematike mogu se optimizovati procesi kao i povećati transportna bezbednost.

+381 11 377 4630

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